Sunday, April 02, 2006

Happy Course at Harvard University

I watched a video at CNN that talked about a class on positive psychology taught by Prof Tal Ben Scharar at Harvard University. This class teaches on how to be happier (Note that I did not say How to be happy). I wish that this kind of class is made mandatory in Indian students academic curriculum aswell.

Right from the day we join schools, we get so lost in the competitive madness of outscoring our class mates, neighbours or any peer you are aware of, that we never give a thought to what exactly makes us happy. In this video, a graduate student says that 3 questions that were raised in this class made her to rethink her career choice.

1. What do you find pleasure in?
2. What is that you are good at ?
3. What is that you find meaningful to do?

3 questions any one must ask oneself before making his or her career decisions. I hope these are taught in Indian schools one day...

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